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Here is the angular stone of Webserial, the listeners. With them, you can listen to the events that the device emits.

How to listen to an event

When you create a new instance of the Boardroid class, you can listen to the events that the device emits.

machine.on('serial:message', (data) => {

Each event has a different data structure, so you need to check the data structure for each event.


All events will return SerialEvent as shown in the image below.

Locale Dropdown

How to remove listener

To remove listeners follow the code as below shown.

// arrow function
const onSerialMessage = (data) => {

// or if you prefer classic functions
// function onSerialMessage(data) {
// console.log(data);
// }

// start listen
machine.on('serial:message', onSerialMessage);

// stop listen'serial:message', onSerialMessage);

Get all available listeners

For boardroid class there events that you can listen to, of course only listen to the events that you need.


To get all the available listeners, you can use the availableListeners property.


The result will be an object with the available listeners, and if you are listen each event

"type": "banknote-purse:banknote-scrow-status",
"listening": false
"type": "banknote-purse:config",
"listening": false
"type": "banknote-purse:event-banknote",
"listening": false
"type": "banknote-purse:read-memory",
"listening": false
"type": "banknote-purse:recycler",
"listening": false
"type": "banknote-purse:save-memory",
"listening": false
"type": "card-reader:event",
"listening": false
"type": "change:pending",
"listening": false
"type": "change:dispense",
"listening": false
"type": "coin-purse:coin-event",
"listening": false
"type": "coin-purse:config",
"listening": false
"type": "coin-purse:reject-lever",
"listening": false
"type": "coin-purse:reset",
"listening": false
"type": "coin-purse:tubes",
"listening": false
"type": "dispensed",
"listening": false
"type": "dispensing",
"listening": false
"type": "not-dispensed",
"listening": false
"type": "percentage:test",
"listening": false
"type": "run:default-load",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:connected",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:connecting",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:disconnected",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:error",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:lost",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:message",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:need-permission",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:reconnect",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:sent",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:soft-reload",
"listening": true
"type": "serial:timeout",
"listening": false
"type": "serial:unsupported",
"listening": true
"type": "session:money-dispensed",
"listening": false
"type": "session:money-request",
"listening": false
"type": "event:door",
"listening": false
"type": "status:relay",
"listening": false
"type": "status:temperature",
"listening": false
"type": "unknown",
"listening": false


But sometimes you don't want the object you want only an array with the available listeners, you can do this: => el.type)

And one more time here is the result




Don't use this event in production, only for debug. The amount of data can be huge and slow down the application.

If you want to know all events dispatched, you need to enable the debug mode.

machine.__debug__ = true; // enable debug mode

This event is only dispatched when you enable the debug mode only.

So then you can listen to the debug event.

machine.on('debug', event => {
// event.detail = {
// type: 'event',
// data: 'data of event'
// }

Serial connected

When the serial is connected, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:connected', event => {

Serial connecting

When the serial is trying to connect, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:connecting', event => {
// without data

Serial disconnected

When the serial is disconnected, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:disconnected', event => {

Serial error

When the serial has an error, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:error', event => {

Serial lost

When the serial is lost, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:lost', event => {

Serial message

When the serial receives a message, this event is dispatched.


This event is dispatched along others events that send event of machine, so this event is only for debug.

machine.on('serial:message', event => {

Serial need permission

When the serial needs permission, this event is dispatched. This occurs because user interaction is needed to request the serial.

Recommendation: Use a button or a screen to show what is happening.

machine.on('serial:need-permission', event => {

Serial reconnect

When the serial is trying to reconnect, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:reconnect', event => {
// without data

Serial sent

When the serial sends a message to machine, this event is dispatched.


This event is more oriented for debug.

machine.on('serial:sent', event => {
structure event.detail
"event": "string",
"bytes": []

Serial soft reload

When the serial is trying to soft reload, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:soft-reload', event => {
// without data

Serial timeout

When the serial has a timeout, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:timeout', event => {

Serial unsupported

When the serial is unsupported, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('serial:unsupported', event => {

Banknote purse

Scrow status

Check if the banknote in scrow was accepted true or rejected false.

machine.on('banknote-purse:banknote-scrow-status', event => {


Get the status configured in the banknote purse.

machine.on('banknote-purse:config', event => {

Structure of Event detail

structure event.detail
"enabled": "boolean",
"scrow": "boolean"

Event banknote

When the banknote purse emits an event, i.e: banknote inserted

machine.on('banknote-purse:event-banknote', event => {

Structure of Event detail

structure event.detail
"stacker": {
"p20": 0,
"p50": 0,
"p100": 0,
"p200": 0,
"p500": 0,
"p1000": 0
"recycler": {
"p20": 0,
"p50": 0,
"p100": 0,
"p200": 0,
"p500": 0,
"p1000": 0
"out": {
"p20": 0,
"p50": 0,
"p100": 0,
"p200": 0,
"p500": 0,
"p1000": 0
"totals": {
"p20": 0,
"p50": 0,
"p100": 0,
"p200": 0,
"p500": 0,
"p1000": 0
"total": 0

Read memory

When you send the command to read memory, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('banknote-purse:read-memory', event => {


When sends the command to read recycler, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('banknote-purse:recycler', event => {

Structure of Event detail

structure event.detail
"recycler": {
"p20": 0,
"p50": 0,
"p100": 0,
"p200": 0,
"p500": 0,
"p1000": 0

Save memory

When you send the command to save memory, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('banknote-purse:save-memory', event => {

Card reader


When the card reader emits an event, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('card-reader:event', event => {



When the change is pending to deliver, this event is dispatched to show the amount of change pending.

machine.on('change:pending', event => {


When the change is delivering, this event is dispatched to show the amount of change delivering.

In detail of event exists recycler, coins, pending, delivery

recycler is the amount of bills to be delivered

e.detail.recyler = { $_20: 0, $_50: 0, $_100: 0, $_200: 0, $_500: 0, $_1000: 0 }

coins is the amount of coins to be delivered

e.detail.coins = { $_50c: 0, $_1: 0, $_2: 0, $_5: 0, $_10: 0 }

pending is just a number >= 0 of change that can't be delivered

delivery is the change that we can ensure will be delivered*

  • This can fail
machine.on('change:dispense', event => {

Coin purse

Coin event

When the coin purse emits an event, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('coin-purse:coin-event', event => {

Structure of Event detail

structure event.detail
"tubes": {
"g50": 0,
"c50": 0,
"p1": 0,
"p2": 0,
"p5": 0,
"p10": 0
"box": {
"g50": 0,
"c50": 0,
"p1": 0,
"p2": 0,
"p5": 0,
"p10": 0
"totals": {
"g50": 0,
"c50": 0,
"p1": 0,
"p2": 0,
"p5": 0,
"p10": 0
"total": 0


Get the status of coin purse, enabled true and disable false

machine.on('coin-purse:config', event => {

Reject lever

When the lever of the coin purse is pressed, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('coin-purse:reject-lever', event => {
// no data


When the coin purse is reset, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('coin-purse:reset', event => {
// no data


When the tubes of the coin purse are updated, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('coin-purse:tubes', event => {

Structure of Event detail

"g50": 0,
"c50": 0,
"p1": 0,
"p2": 0,
"p5": 0,
"p10": 0


This event is dispatched when the machine dispenses a product, however the result of const result = await dispatch(...) is more convenient because you can continue the execution of the code.

i.e: Dispensing cart of 5 products, you can continue the execution of the code after the first product is dispensed in a loop.

machine.on('dispensed', event => {
// this event not return any data inside the event.detail


This event is dispatched when the machine is in process of dispensing a product.

machine.on('dispensing', event => {

Structure of event detail

"status": null,
"counter": 0,
"limit": 15

Not dispensed

This event is dispatched when the machine doesn't dispense a product. However, the result of const result = await dispatch(...) is more convenient because you can continue the execution of the code.

i.e: Dispensing cart of 5 products, you can continue the execution of the code after the first product is dispensed in a loop.

machine.on('not-dispensed', event => {

Possible values for reason are:

  • timeout
  • no-stock

Percentage test

When test of matrix is executed, this event is dispatched until finish the test.

machine.on('percentage:test', event => {
console.log(event.detail.percentage, event.detail.dispensed);

// event.detail.dispensed is an array of products dispensed/not-dispensed

Run default load

When the machine connects, dispatch this event. so if you want to disable payment methods, you can listen to this event.

machine.on('run:default-load', event => {
// no data
// machine.paymentPursesDisable();


Money dispensed

When the machine dispenses money, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('session:money-dispensed', event => {

Structure of Event detail

structure event.detail
const _ = {
type_money: "p50", // null|string
retired: 50, // null|number -> amount of money retired
finish: false, // boolean
type: "banknotes" // string -> banknotes or coins

Money request

When insert money in the machine, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('session:money-request', event => {
// no data



When the door is opened or closed, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('event:door', event => {


When the relay is activated or deactivated, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('status:relay', event => {


When the temperature is requested, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('status:temperature', event => {


If the boardroid responds with an unknown event, this event is dispatched.

machine.on('unknown', event => {